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Ask the treatment expert
Is the rumor true that Accuzyme® and Panafil® ointments are no longer reimbursable? If so, what should we do?
Yes, it is true. The enzymatic debriding products Accuzyme® Ointment, Accuzyme® SE, Panafil® Ointment and Panafil® SE, and other products that contain papain/urea and papain/urea/chlorophyllin complex sodium, were removed from the 2008 Medicare Formulary Reference File (FRF).
The Medicare FRF is a file created and maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that contains a list of drugs which may be included on Part D formularies. Along with all the Medicare Part D plans, many insurance companies and state Medicaid programs use the Medicare FRF to determine which medications they will reimburse for.
To find out if your Medicaid patients are affected, check with your state Medicaid program or your pharmacy provider. A listing of state Medicaid programs can be found online at http://www.colorado
At this time, the only enzymatic debriding ointment listed on the 2008 Medicare FRF is Collagenase SANTYL® Ointment. You may want to consider transitioning patients who depend upon Medicare Part D for their prescription drugs.
Another reimbursable option for wound debridement would be “conservative sharp debridement” performed by a physician, physical therapist or nurse practitioner.
Other options to consider for wound debridement are hydrogel or hydrocolloid dressings.