Ask the payment expert
Ask the payment expert

What do you see as the biggest challenge for facilities in implementing the new MDS 3.0 this October?

The biggest challenge I see is the significant change in process. First, the interview process is going to be a challenge for some facilities. The only reason that it is acceptable not to interview a resident is if they are “rarely, never understood.”

The interviews will include many of your moderately severe—and even some of your significantly impaired—dementia residents. Your staff needs to be trained in interview techniques and you need private space for interviews.

One of the biggest changes in the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual for the MDS 3.0 is that the care process is integrated in the MDS structure. This provides a “road map” for your staff as it gives you Health Related Quality of Life issues and Care Planning suggestions. Your staff in turn should utilize that information to build an individualized care plan.

Lastly, all of your interdisciplinary team needs to be educated in this process. Your staff also may have to look at changes in practice to adequately meet the new guidelines.  

How will the change to the new MDS 3.0 affect our Quality Indicators/Quality Measures?

During the last CMS Open Door Forum, the agency stated that the QI/QMs would not be available for about a year after MDS 3.0 goes into effect. In fact, new QI/QMs will have to be developed.

The impact for you is that this useful QA tool will not be available. Surveyors will revert back to pre-QI/QM processes but you will still have to produce the Resident Roster for the surveyor.

Check with you software vendor to see if it is using a crosswalk to give you or if you have to produce it manually.