Ask the payment expert
Ask the payment expert
We want to prepare our staff for the MDS 3.0. What tools can we use? 
We are suggesting that your staff starts to use the interview process that is described in the draft MDS 3.0.  Many areas are the same as the MDS 2.0 but are approached just a bit differently.
Some additional tools are published that also may be of assistance to you. First, the PUSH tool assists in monitoring healing or non-healing of wounds. This tool is utilized in the new MDS 3.0.  Clinical Standards of Practice require you to monitor healing so utilization of that tool now will enhance your wound care practices.
Another tool is the PHQ9 (Patient Health Questionnaire) for depression.
By educating your staff on these tools and helping them to understand that the new assessment is very resident-focused (meaning more resident interviews), you will be setting the stage for success.

I was told we can begin using a 90-day recertification period for Part B. Is that correct?
Yes, but I do not recommend that you change your present process of obtaining 30-day recertifications. 
First, the exception process has only been renewed until June 2008. We don’t know what will happen in July 2008 or if there even will be an exception process. If there is not, you will spend the limits of Part B long before 90 days so it would not matter. 
Second, most Part B services are very short-term and your plan of treatment is going to be more limited than 90 days.