Ask the nursing expert
Ask the nursing expert

We occasionally have a resident or a family member request hospice services for their end-of-life care. How would we incorporate their services into our plan of care?

Hospice services can be a wonderful addition to the care we are providing. Their pain management skills are incredible.

They provide additional staff to work with both the resident and their loved ones during the dying process. Spiritual needs are addressed promptly and enhance the holistic approach in caring for the family unit.

Invite the hospice nurse or any other members of their team to your care plan meeting for the dying resident. Incorporate their interventions into your written plan of care. They also need to know what approaches the unit staff will be utilizing in caring for a resident’s end-of-life needs.

Remember to invite the nursing assistant to the care plan meeting. It should be a collaborative approach as the hospice staff joins your team.

I have recently hired two new nurse managers and now I’m working at rebuilding my nursing leadership team. Any suggestions?

Try starting with a leadership meeting and restating goals for the year. Talk about goals that you currently are working on and progress you are making.

Ask your new managers where they see themselves in helping to move the nursing department along toward the goals that have been set. This will help other members of your team to better welcome the new team members. 

Make sure your foundation is strong before you start building. It has been my experience that if your team understands goals and expectations, they will move forward with you.

Please send your nursing-related questions to Anne Marie Barnett at [email protected].