Q:  We’re expecting a new administrator. As the director of nursing, how can I make this relationship work from day one? 

A: Changes to the leadership team can be stressful for all staff, but especially for the director of nursing, who works closely with this person. Because the administrator-DON relationship affects so many aspects of care delivery, it’s critical to collaborate effectively.

First, establish expectations. Clarify not only what he or she expects of you, but also what you need. One shared need should be time for regular meetings. Mutual respect takes time to grow; working through challenges together establishes a solid foundation.

Ensure communications are frequent and discussions transparent. Being honest and upfront builds trust and respect. Also commit to bolstering one another with other staff.

The administrator and DON are the two top leaders; staff will be watching the relationship closely. Agree that you will work through disagreements behind closed doors, but in public come together to show staff you are a team. 

In the last year, support has become more important than ever. When stakes and stresses are high, the administrator and DON should support each other so they can better support staff. 

Learn about the financial aspects of the administrator’s role and discuss expenses openly. Don’t let large expenses surprise the administrator. Instead, share information openly and work together to manage the nursing budget effectively. 

New administrators are often unsure what to expect from their new position. Encountering an open-minded DON who wants to co-lead the facility will be a welcome introduction.