Ask the nursing expert
Ask the nursing expert

We now have had three different management companies in three weeks and I am worn out with the changes. I want to stay here with my team, but the stress is nearly overwhelming. Any suggestions?

You didn’t mention the status of your administrator. Does your administrator keep changing also? If you have a stable administrator, meet with her or him to discuss coping strategies.

Meet with the clinical members of the new management team and share your concerns and frustrations.

Stability is important not only for you, but also your team and the special residents who have come to your facility for care and comfort. They will pick up on your stress and they will become anxious. This change of management companies, and ownership, is becoming more widespread.

Try working with your new clinical team to develop an action plan to identify the strengths of the facility, areas that need improvement, and a plan for your team to make necessary improvements. Frequent communication will benefit everyone.

I am having a hard time scheduling opportunities outside the facility for continuing education. There is always so much to do during my busy workday. It seems that other DONs are able to attend state meetings, go to conventions and meet with colleagues. What am I doing wrong?

Meet with your administrator to discuss the need for “professional enrichment.” You do yourself, team and residents a favor each time you meet with colleagues to learn about quality practices and experience just good old-fashioned camaraderie.

Sharing best practices and experiences can help you to see that you are not alone in your quest for quality care. After all, you deserve this time!