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McKnight’s Long-Term Care News was named one of the nation’s best business publications in May.

The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) honored McKnight’s as one of the top 10 entrants in its Magazine of the Year category. also scored a Silver Award for Best New or Relaunched Website.

Sister brand McKnight’s Senior Living also collected honors, winning Bronze awards for Best New or Relaunched Website and Best Web News Section.

ASBPE also bestowed several regional awards on both magazine brands in April. This included a Silver Award for New/Relaunched website for and two Bronze awards. The first was for McKnight’s Long-Term Care News’ Wound Care Page in the Print-Regular Department category, credited to “Ask the Treatment Expert” columnist Jeri Lundgren and Staff Writer Kimberly Marselas. 

The second was for 2018 coverage of the Patient-Driven Payment Model in the category of Online Single Topic Coverage, recognizing the work of Rehab Realities columnist Renee Kinder, Staff Writer Kimberly Marselas and Editor James M. Berklan.