Heather D’Adamo, M.D.

The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has published a collection of evidence-based resources for preventing and treating COVID-19 infections in long-term care settings.

Topics include the following information, insights, and recommended approaches to COVID-19:

  • How to foster awareness of key clinical differences for older adults
  • How to initiate quick, appropriate behaviors to manage infections, particularly in long-term care
  • How to begin COVID-19 containment and maximize preventive interventions (especially in long-term care)
  • How to empower healthcare leaders, policymakers, and government agencies to make decisions that address rapid access and results of testing and treatment, as well as the costs and societal impacts of the pandemic.

At this early stage in the pandemic, even information from reliable sources is not consistent, writes author Heather D’Adamo, M.D., from the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, and physician colleagues.

“We have tried to summarize the current information to be as consistent with evidence and federal guidance as possible,” they write. 

The article, Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Geriatrics and Long-term Care, is available at no cost.