James M. Berklan, McKnight's Editor
James M. Berklan, McKnight’s Editor

Do you and your colleagues do good work?

Of course you do. But why is that? You care for your residents. Check. You care about professionalism. Check. Maybe you just don’t know any other way. Check.

But if that’s all you can cite, you’re not seeing the bigger picture. You also have the tools to succeed. We’re talking about “stuff.” Almost without exception, behind every bit of good “stuff” there is some sort of technology involved.
Oh, don’t blanche at the thought. Yes, technology can imply complicated things that have computer chips and long scientific names. But not always.

There is technology involved in anything you use to tend to resident care, records, safety, dining, medications, entertainment …

Then there’s the technology involved in handling your scheduling, communications, payroll, benefits, further education … hopefully, you get the idea.

The point is technology is at work all around us, in obvious and not so obvious ways. Now is the time to put it to use, in a special new way. This is my disarming way of pointing out that the McKnight’s technology awards program is still accepting entries. But you need to move quickly.

Luckily, we’ve made it simple to enter. This is a free competition and you could wind up receiving nationwide acclaim. Marketing professionals and top execs, you should be all over this one.

If you can say you care about quality care or resident dignity, you’re all but qualified to enter. If you are interested in smoothing transitions between care settings, trying something new or improving staff-resident interactions, you could be a winner already.

There are five categories: “Quality Through Technology Award,” “Dignity Through Technology Award,” “High Tech/High Touch Award,” “Innovator of the Year Award,” and the “Transitions Award.” We’ll write about the winners in a big spread.

Entry forms are due June 15, so don’t delay. And please don’t think you have to wait for “the tech guy” at work to get an entry in order. It’s so easy, even a journalist could fill it out.

The easiest way to get to entry materials and more information on the McKnight’s Excellence in Technology — Connect Our World Awards is by going to http://awards.mcknights.com. 

Should you enter? You only have to ask yourself one question: Do you and your colleagues do good work?