Close up image of a caretaker helping older woman walk
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Neither Democrats nor Republicans are in favor of cuttingfunding for Medicare-funded nursing home care, according to a recently releasedpoll of likely voters in closely contested congressional districts.

The Democracy Corps Battleground poll, conducted inmid-December of 2007 by Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner Research, sampled more than1,500 likely voters across the U.S. It found that 57% of Democrats and 56% ofRepublicans oppose funding cuts. The same omnibus poll revealed that 53% ofDemocrats and 49% of Republicans would likely not vote for their own member ofCongress if he or she supported funding cuts.

The poll shows the widespread opposition to cuttingMedicare-financed nursing home care, said Alan G. Rosenbloom, President and CEOof the Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care. The Alliance provided fundingfor the portion of the poll related to nursing homes, an Alliance spokeswomansaid.