AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine partnered with the leading online advance care plan provider, ADVault’s, to help residents in nursing homes, assisted living and other long-term care facilities clearly communicate their healthcare wishes and designate a healthcare proxy to speak for them if they’re unable to speak for themselves.

ADVault includes guidance from AMDA’s Advance Care Planning (ACP) Toolkit to providers utilizing ADVault’s Facilitated ACP Collaborate solution.

The solution offers:

  • AMDA’s ethical, person-centered guidance that acts as a framework for the care team facilitating the ACP discussions
  • Feedback and confirmation of the ACP alignment with the resident’s stated goals
  • Interactive dashboards that present detailed ACP activity
  • An audit trail and tracking of time spent rendering the ACP services
  • Optional practitioner review of the ACP documents, and reporting to support real-time management of ACP activity
  • The ability to view, print, and download to PDF or CDA

AMDA clinical leadership reviewed the ADVault solution and liked the simplicity of the setup and the ability to make real-time updates to care choices.

“It is one of our sacred commitments to ensure that advance care planning conversations occur, to help our residents and their families make informed decisions about treatment preferences and to provide concordant medical orders. COVID-19 brings new nuances to these discussions when we consider hospitalization, intubation/ventilation, and CPR,” said Karl Steinberg, MD, CMD, AMDA president elect and vice president of National POLST. “AMDA’s ACP tool, in conjunction with the user-friendly and accessible ADVault platform, should help us ensure that residents in our facilities are getting opportunities for goal-concordant care.”