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After proving acellular matrices are effective in treating diabetic foot ulcers, researchers are now eyeing the treatment as a tool for healing venous leg ulcers.

Typically, VLU treatment includes compression therapy, debridement and elevation. Researchers at Northwestern University’s Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that applying acellular matrices — including synthetics and dermal matrices — resulted in favorable wound healing outcomes regardless of ulcer size.

Their comprehensive review of 27 previous research articles published in Wounds showed wound surface area was reduced at least 40% by four weeks after matrix application; that porcine products were especially suited for reduction; and that fewer dressing changes might be required.

But potential complications include incomplete nerve growth, hypopigmentation and lack of vascularization, leading the Northwestern team to call for more large-scale randomized controlled trials to determine the most appropriate uses in the VLU patient population.