AANAC President and CEO Diane Carter
AANAC President and CEO Diane Carter

Long-term care nurse executives have announced they will be introducing an organization for directors of nursing in a few months.

A “soft” opening will occur in March, with a full rollout expected to occur at a new conference in September.

American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination leaders are spearheading the movement.

“It makes sense. We have the staff and the infrastructure,” said AANAC President and CEO Diane Carter, RN, MSN, RAC-CT, C-NE, FAAN. “We have 15,000 members in AANAC and about half of them are directors of nursing.”

AANAC will continue to focus on serving MDS coordinators. New will be the American Association of Directors of Nursing Services, which will comprise nurses employed in skilled care facilities, Carter explained.

Both groups will exist under an umbrella organization called the American Association of Post-Acute Nursing, which will not be as commonly referenced as its two constituent groups, said Carter, the presumptive future CEO.