Image of male nurse pushing senior woman in a wheelchair in nursing facility
Credit: Getty Images

The entire McKnight’s family of employees would like to wish our readers a restful and healthy Thanksgiving weekend — for themselves and everyone in their care. It is a time to reflect on all for which one can be grateful. This is true even as providers keep a wary eye on the return of Congress, which will be taking up further deliberations on a controversial tax system overhaul bill as well as the possible elimination of the Medicare Part B therapy caps.

The Senate is back in session Monday and the focus will be on the Republican-led effort to generally lower corporate income tax rates and some wealthier layers of the population, while others will pay more. The House already has passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 227-205, along party lines. It includes measures that would cost individual seniors more and dampen senior care facility investment, leading provider lobbyists have complained.

The Senate’s bill also notably includes a provision to eliminate the individual insurance mandate, a cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act. If the Senate bill passes, a heated reconciliation process is expected as the chambers attempt to meld their bills into a unified plan that the president would sign into law.