Nadine Grosso
Nadine Grosso

Seniors are often given awards for their military service or cinematic accomplishments. Nadine Grosso, vice president and director of communications for the Maine Health Care Association, thinks it’s equally important to honor those who have raised families and help build their communities.

That’s why she started a program called Remember ME, dedicated to celebrating the lives of long-term care residents living in Maine.

“Maine long-term care providers believe that each individual resident’s life story is important and worthy of recognition,” Grosso says. “This program has simply provided them with a statewide vehicle to share that belief with others.” 

Each year, staff members of MHCA-member facilities nominate their most deserving residents. A three-person panel narrows the nominees — usually about 65 people — down to 35 residents who receive a Certificate of Lifetime Achievement. The recipients then are featured in a black-and-white photography exhibit, complete with typed biographies, displayed in Maine’s State House. MHCA recognizes the recipients and honorable mention winners with a ceremony.

Over its eight-year run, Remember ME has taught Grosso a lot.

“Our appearance changes, our memories may fail us, our bodies may be tired or ravaged by illness,” she says, “but inside, we remain the same, especially in our own view and to our families.”