60 Seconds with...Robyn Stone
60 Seconds with…Robyn Stone

Q: What is the subject of the study you’re doing with HHS and HUD?

A: With all the work going on around integrated care and managed care for dual eligibles, we’re trying to show the potential with models integrating supportive services and lower income housing.

Q: Isn’t this another way nursing homes are getting pushed aside?

A: Everybody sees a place for skilled nursing facilities. The discussion is really around what is the role for different parts of the continuum for different types of populations. It’s really not an either-or thing.

Q: Where does skilled nursing fit in?

A: Skilled nursing will have a role to play in the rising interest of avoiding preventable rehospitalizations, [and in] good rehabilitation and restorative care.

Q: What about CCRCs?

A: We see more CCRCs doing both the high-end and low-income housing, HUD housing or tax-credit properties. There’s potential for nursing homes branching out and sort of partnering in terms of service delivery out into the community, particularly in rural communities, where they can put their tentacles out as more a part of the community, with a viable service. It’s sort of reinventing themselves.