Frank Grosso, RPh
Frank Grosso, RPh

Q: What are ASCP’s priorities for 2017 coming out of your November annual meeting?

A: What we are hoping for in 2017 is recognition of the value medication therapy consultants can provide in value-based purchasing. For example, a Model 3 bundle consultant pharmacist can help in reducing hospitalizations. The role that the pharmacist can play is underutilized.

Q: What are some of the problems when pharmacists are left out?

A: Duplicate therapy. For example, the patient has blood pressure medication that they had before their knee replacement. The hospital changed it to something on its formulary, and the nursing home changed it again. When the nursing home discharged the patient home, they didn’t know what the patient had before. At home, there are two blood pressure medications, and the patient takes both of them. That’s the challenge we have as the patient goes through the continuum.

Q: What’s the focus next year on opioids?

A: We need to look at how to minimize the quantities being dispensed, both at the nursing center and the time of discharge. With patients coming from the hospital to the nursing center, the opioids should be used in the smallest quantity possible.