Deborah Green

Q: What are some of the challenges for healthcare providers right now?

A: We are required to be implementing electronic health records in healthcare. We are doing that amidst a decline in revenue in our sectors with increasing requirements, starting with HIPAA. The Affordable Care Act has set into motion some very hard challenges for the healthcare industry. It is not strictly about the technology, but effective partnering with other players in the entire healthcare sector.
Q: Does that mean opportunities for long-term care?

A: Yes: A single provider in acute care can’t fully achieve what it needs to around meaningful use and decreasing unnecessary readmissions without an effective partnership with post-acute care players. It’s important that providers raise their hand with accountable care organizations. One of AHIMA’s Road Map’s top priorities is care coordination.
Q: What are some of the other goals of the AHIMA Road Map?

A: Quality and process improvements. We have to recognize that, together with our vendors, we have to work to assure that we are going to get out of the system the data that is needed. We also have to look at how we envision health IT as a business imperative.