Q: What is the purpose of SETx-GWEP?

A:The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) gave us the grant to integrate geriatrics into primary care training. With it, we were able to establish the South East Texas Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (SETx-GWEP), which is a network of health professions, schools and community-based organizations that will help cover the gaps in primary care training related to the care of older adults.

Q: What are the gaps that exist in primary care training?

A:While there are schools that have robust geriatrics programs, like Baylor, not everyone gets the training they need to deal with our country’s aging population. We want to fill those holes through training and educating primary care students about the complex needs of seniors to better align care with patient goals.

Q: Who are you partnering with?

A:SETx-GWEP will be teaming up with local organizations like Meals on Wheels. The goal is to educate seniors and their caregivers to provide the best care possible at home and to prepare them for if and when they eventually transition into a long-term care setting.