Carol Benner, ScM
Carol Benner, ScM

Q: What’s the “exciting” news on Phase 2 of the Advancing Excellence campaign?

A: It exceeded its own goal of 5,000 nursing homes signed up. A total of 5,860 nursing homes, including 1,132 new participants and 4,728 re-enrollees, are now members of the Phase 2 Campaign. This is really extraordinary.

Q: What states came through the strongest in the campaign?

A: In the “large-sized states,” or those states with more than 344 nursing homes, Georgia recruited 99.4% of nursing homes, Wisconsin recruited 52.7% and Missouri recruited 44.8%.

In the “medium-sized states” (between 132 and 344 nursing homes), Arkansas recruited 100% of nursing homes, Kansas recruited 81.2% and Colorado recruited 75.7%.

In the “small-sized” states (fewer than 132 nursing homes), South Dakota recruited 100% of nursing homes, Rhode Island recruited 94.2% and New Mexico recruited 62.9%.

Q: So what happens with the campaign now?

A: We will continue with recruitment—nursing homes may still join the campaign and enjoy the benefits—but we will transition to performance improvement to make a real difference in the quality of care and life for our nation’s residents.