The daughter of a Chicago nursing home resident faces multiple counts of aggravated battery and is being held in lieu of bail after stabbing a male nurse Saturday.

Brandy N. Campbell, 31, began arguing with the 56-year-old nurse after arriving to pick up her mother at the Monroe Pavilion Health and Treatment Center on the city’s near west side, according to the Chicago Tribune. Campbell was allegedly upset with her mother’s medication labeling after the nurse handed it to her.

When the nurse instructed Campbell she had to sign her mother out of the facility for a day trip, she initially balked. Campbell then approached a counter, ostensibly to sign papers, but became more agitated. Campbell shouted “I’ll kill you!” at the nurse, pulled out a folding knife, and cut him on the top of his head, nose and near the temple, according to the Cook County state’s attorney’s office. The nurse was able to retrieve the knife after wrestling Campbell to the floor. Police apprehended a blood-covered Campbell as she was getting off an elevator, according to records, which also said video surveillance had captured the event.

The nurse was treated at a nearby hospital with staples and stitches to his head and hand. Campbell faces charges of aggravated battery causing great bodily harm and aggravated battery of a nurse.