Anthony Miranda
Anthony Miranda

Let’s face the reality head-on: a key element to the successful implementation of a CRM is getting your sales team to embrace it. But how do you get an entire group of people who are comfortable with their current methods to adopt a new way of working? It’s human nature to resist change, and we all understand that feeling of hesitation that comes with having to adjust to something new. Think about when you purchase a new mobile device. Something that was once second nature now takes more effort. But once we adapt to it, we realize the benefits of this new technology on our daily lives and eventually wonder how we ever got by without it. Introducing a CRM platform to your team can be a very similar situation.

So let’s take a look at some of the challenges you may face when implementing a CRM platform. First, there may be naysayers on the team who feel that the change isn’t necessary, which could cause the team to be reticent about adopting the new tool. This may be the case because they don’t realize the full benefits of the new platform and how it could positively impact their overall performance.

Another challenge is the belief that it will take time away from customer service, resulting in lost sales and potential new customers. A CRM platform may seem overwhelming at first because the team now needs to capture information they didn’t have to in the past. But by using the CRM tools and capturing their activities and information, it can increase sales time and productivity. 

“We have seen a 32% increase in selling time for our reps year-over-year because our team has adopted a CRM platform,” said Scott Armendariz, Vice President of Sales for Aspire Home Care and Hospice. “Our team wasn’t tracking their sales efforts the right way before — if we tracked the information the same way we do now without our CRM, our sales teams would no doubt have less time in the field to sell.” 

Some reps may also feel like the CRM platform is “Big Brother,” and overcoming this mentality is a big thing. Share how the system will address challenges and reinforce the fact that a CRM is not meant to be an invasive people tracker. It’s about setting goals and providing innovative tools and resources to ensure sales success.

Understanding the possible challenges to getting started with a new CRM platform enables companies to find solutions that can create a seamless transition to a better and stronger business. Here are four steps that can point you and your company in the right direction for a successful post-acute care CRM implementation.

1. Include Your Team

When beginning the search for a CRM platform, it’s important to involve the team in the selection process. After reviewing what is available, narrow your options down to a few top choices. Then, involve your staff to help make the final decision. It’s important to make sure they feel like they have a voice in the change. It will also be good to hear their perspective on which one will be the best solution from their experience in the field.

2. Sell The Benefits

Look at the key points on why you are going to transition the team to this new platform and highlight the key ways it will help the team excel. Show them how this change can help them close more sales and earn new customers, and watch as the atmosphere in the room changes from one of resistance to one of anticipation. Salespeople are constantly searching for a competitive edge, so convincing them that this move is indeed a step that is needed for continued success will go a long way in winning them over.

3. Don’t Skimp On Training

When evaluating the overall investment of CRM, training is often identified as an area for cost savings. This is a mistake and will ultimately lead to frustration and failure. You don’t want your team to feel isolated and vulnerable during this transition. You want them confident during and after the training period, so make sure you take full advantage of all training resources available to you from the CRM provider. Once the training is complete, make sure they have the dedicated account rep available via phone or email to assist with issues as they arise.

4. Share The Good News!

Once the team has fully embraced the new platform, make sure to share the positive results. Show them what they have done right and the value that the CRM has brought to the company, as well as to each individual.

Once you have a successful adoption of your new CRM platform, don’t assume you can relax. Make sure to keep the momentum going by celebrating your team’s success and hard work during the transition to the new platform. Show your appreciation and follow it up by identifying where potential still exists. If you follow the four steps outlined here, you will be well-positioned for the successful adoption of your CRM for post-acute care.

Anthony Miranda is the vice president of client success PlayMaker CRM.