Jami Brett, Executive Recruiter at LeaderStat
Jami Brett, Executive Recruiter at LeaderStat

Six seconds. That’s all the attention your resume will get from a hiring manager before they put it in the “no, thanks” versus the “deserves-a-closer-look” pile. Those that are passing muster these days are stripped-down versions of their past selves that are packed with must-have content. More importantly, they are completely free of anything unnecessary (even redundant words like “phone” in front of what is clearly a phone number). Here, healthcare recruiters share the most current resume tips.

Must haves

Everyone knows that qualifications, accomplishments, relevant experience, education, certifications, and professional affiliations must be included. Contact information is a must, too, but even here less is more. An email address and cell phone number is all that’s needed. Where people tend to go wrong is everything else they include.

Open doors

Remove anything that can be used to discriminate against you. Leaving out religious and political views would be pretty standard, but what about graduation or certification dates? This is not as clear cut, and can be job specific. For example if it is clear the employer is looking for highly-experienced, seasoned professionals, and you are, ahem, well-seasoned, leave them in. However, generally speaking, many healthcare recruiters recommend leaving dates out altogether and focusing on experience.


Unless you are changing industries in a way that deserves some explanation, you do not need to include an “objective.” They know why you are applying – you want the job!


Hiring managers are tired of people who are “people pleasers,” who “think out of the box” and are “very organized.” Rather than using descriptive words, give examples with real data, and leave the judgement up to the reader.

The chaff

Remember, speed is of the essence here. Anything that slows down the reader stands in your way of the job. Personal pronouns? They know it’s all about you, so cut them. No need to waste a line telling them you’ll supply references – they know you will. Hobbies? Keep them to yourself.

Even if it’s only been a few years since your last resume overhaul, you will benefit from giving it a fresh look with these guidelines in mind. Good luck and happy job hunting!

Jami Brett is an executive recruiter at LeaderStat, a national firm specializing in interim management, executive recruiting and consulting for healthcare organizations.