Frank Grosso
Frank Grosso

As pharmacists and medical professionals, there is a constant need to recognize change, to educate ourselves on the latest best practices, tools, and medications. This kind of forward momentum to improve ourselves never lets up. And that’s the kind of momentum we’re seeing at the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists during the months of October and November. It’s an exciting time for ASCP right now, and as CEO of the organization, I’m eager to share with you how we’re moving forward, and how we’re helping professionals move forward as well.

A major change in the works is our redesigned website,, which debuted on October 11. Our website is not just our public face to the world; it’s also where we provide crucial learning tools, resources and references, events, networking opportunities, and information on the latest advocacy efforts. ASCP’s website is a place where senior care pharmacists can find the tools they need to improve their knowledge and skills. By redesigning the site, we aim to place vital information right up front, where you need it. We’ve also redesigned our site for cleaner, quicker access to multiple devices, smart phones, or tablets, so no matter where you are, you have a way to easily access the information you need.

Consultant Pharmacist Week began Monday. The capstone of this weeklong observation is Thursday, October 13, designated as Virtual Lobby Day. On that day, we urge all pharmacists to send online messages to their senators and representatives to educate them about provider status and the important role consultant and senior care pharmacists play in improving the American healthcare system. Provider status is a beginning—one of the most important beginnings we will ever experience in our profession. We need to make sure our lawmakers move forward with us and support us.

The best way you can show your support for change and recognition of pharmacist’s services is to attend ASCP’s 47th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, to be held Nov. 4-6 in Dallas, TX. This year’s theme is “empowering seniors to live independently,” reminding us that the care needs of our senior population are changing rapidly while the demands will increase as the baby boomer population ages. The time to plan for the future is now!

You’ve invested in your education and carrier.  Now join us at the Annual Meeting & Exhibition as we invest in the future of pharmacy. This event is the largest gathering of consultants and senior care pharmacists in the United States, creating a unique opportunity to meet experts and influencers face-to-face, and learn new tips and tactics to improve and grow your business.

You can find the full conference agenda and registration information at

Frank Grosso, RPh, is the CEO at ASCP