Linda Elizaitis, RNC, RAC-CT, BS
Linda Elizaitis, RNC, RAC-CT, BS

Providers will get an up-close look at problems with the nursing home survey process from a nationally respected expert during the first 2012 McKnight’s Super Tuesday webcast. The event will take place at 1 p.m. (Eastern) on Tuesday and earn attendees continuing education (CE) credit. Linda Elizaitis, RNC, RAC-CT, BS, the president of CMS Compliance Group, will examine national trends in survey deficiencies, note at least 10 things that can help an operator prevent deficiencies and also explain how to avoid so-called “gotcha” deficiencies. Registration for the no-cost event is ongoing.

McKnight’s Super Tuesday webcasts are an extension of the 6th annual McKnight’s Online Expo, which kicked off in March. Registration and attendance to all of the events come at no cost to participants. Click here to reach the registration form and learn more.