Operators must embrace technology to reduce staffing costs, experts advise
Operators must embrace technology to reduce staffing costs, experts advise

Providers will get frontline advice on how to drive efficiencies, control labor costs and build revenue in the face of looming Medicare and Medicaid funding struggles at a free McKnight’s webcast Nov. 10. Registration is ongoing for the event, which starts at 1 p.m. Eastern Time (10 a.m. Pacific). Jeff Amann, vice president of operations for American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, will be the featured presenter.

Providers will learn how to “adapt to the new reality of senior care” from someone who is already doing it. During the hourlong event, providers will hear how to manage staffing for greater efficiencies, gain transparency into their biggest expense (labor), avoid unnecessary overtime costs, and make better operational decisions to remain agile. Also presenting will be Mark Woodka, president and CEO of OnShift. McKnight’s Editor James M. Berklan will moderate the event. Register by clicking here.