‘Pay attention’: Free webcast on how retention [of good employees] pays

‘Pay attention: Retention pays’ was the title of the latest in a series of free McKnight’s webcasts for long-term care professionals. The hour-long event was broadcast live Aug. 28 and will be available for a year in an online archive. Lead presenters were Shelly Szarek-Skodny, the president and CEO of Legacy Business Partners, and Mark Woodka, the CEO of OnShift Software. They addressed staffing strategies critical for minimizing turnover and retaining good employees, a route to better outcomes, higher occupancy, increased resident satisfaction — and a healthier bottom line.

Attendees learned about evaluating and improving staff satisfaction, as well as minimizing administrative tasks and linking retention to quality initiatives and funding sources. Balancing staff schedules while allowing for flexibility and the adoption of a consistent-staffing assignment model also were delved into.

Individuals can access the webcast by clicking here. Repeat visitors can use their established credentials and password, while first-time visitors need to complete the free registration form to receive free access.