Elana Leventhal Stair
Elana Leventhal Stair

New regulations around bundled payments for joint replacement have thrown providers for a loop. But help is on the way: An Oct. 15 webinar will cover the business implication of the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) initiative, the first mandatory Medicare bundled payments program,

Avalere Health experts will review the CCJR model construct, present key opportunities and challenges for providers under the CCJR structure, and discuss the core capabilities providers need in order to be successful in CCJR.

Speakers Elana Levinthal Stair and Sally Rodriguez, both Avalere Health directors, will lead this robust discussion. McKnight’s Senior Editor Elizabeth Newman will moderate.

The webcast will begin at 1 p.m. ET on Thursday, Oct. 15. Click here to register.