Bill Vaughan, RN
Bill Vaughan, RN

Providers will get a close look at and understanding of how they can challenge survey findings before an administrative law judge at a McKnight’s webinar. “So you want your day in court: Lessons learned form the Departmental Appeals Board” will start at 1 p.m. July 18. The free, hour-long event will include a speaker who will discuss his experiences as a surveyor who testified in cases like the ones that will be simulated during the broadcast. Attendees also can “rule” as to the final outcome.

Attendees will learn how to describe the role of the Departmental Appeals Board in resolving disputes related to federal enforcement activities; identify principles Administrative Law Judges use when evaluating the legitimacy of deficiencies; identify risk-reduction strategies nursing homes can utilize to avoid litigation; and describe the concept of surplus safety as it relates to clinical care and regulatory compliance.

Jennifer Hardesty, PharmD, FASCP, a director of clinical services, and William M. Vaughan, RN, BSN, vice president of education and clinical affairs, both with session sponsor Remedi SeniorCare will be featured speakers. McKnight’s Editor James M. Berklan will moderate the event.

For more information, or to register, click here.