Ron Scharff
Ron Scharff

Post-acute providers have to learn how to demonstrate the outcomes of therapy. By understanding and using specific data components, providers can learn how to provide the best rehabilitation services through the continuum of care.

Attendees at “How Data Components Drive Optimal Rehab Services” on Nov. 13 will learn how to communicate around key demographic data, promote effective strategies to engage rehab teams and understand key metrics for rehab services. The webinar’s featured speaker will be Ron Scharff, MSPT, the assistant vice president of research at RehabCare, who directs the company’s post-acute research for hospital and community-based rehab providers.

The webinar will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13. The event is sponsored by RehabCare and will be moderated by McKnight’s Senior Editor, Elizabeth Newman.

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