Susie Mix
Susie Mix

It’s no secret that long-term care providers are adapting to huge growth in managed care. A free McKnight’s webcast at 1 p.m. Eastern on Jan. 21 will offer expert tips on how providers can integrate their services into the managed care model.

Attendees will learn steps they can take to prepare for a change in the skilled mix that is accompanying managed care expansion, and the role technology can play in giving providers an essential edge. They will also get valuable background on how managed care has developed and how it is expanding.

Speakers will be managed care authority Susie Mix, founder and CEO of Mix Solutions; Maria Arellano, MS, RN, clinical product manager at American HealthTech; and Lorraine Lodigiani, financial product manager at American HealthTech. McKnight’s Editor James M. Berklan will moderate the session, which is presented in association with American HealthTech. For more information or the free registration form, click here.