Nancy Mastalerz
Lesley Mastalerz

A key to long-term care success starts with a satisfied and engaged workforce, making a Feb. 24 McKnight’s webinar a must-attend event. “Future-proof workforce strategies that boost recruitment and retention” starts at 1 p.m. ET.

Attendees will learn how SavaSeniorCare Administrative & Consulting Services is assisting its client centers worker engagement and fostering retention right from the start. The featured speaker will be Lesley Mastalerz, vice president of talent acquisition for SavaSeniorCare. Also presenting will be Jess Modic, vice president of customer success at OnShift.

Among other things, attendees will learn: strategies to streamline the hiring processes to boost efficiencies and reduce time-to-hire; tactics for creating a cohesive employee experience across their organization; and new programs, perks and technologies to attract top talent and retain them long-term.

The webinar will be moderated by McKnight’s Executive Editor James M. Berklan and is being sponsored by OnShift. For more information or to register, visit here.