Rita R. Roedel
Rita R. Roedel

Tips and traps of clinical reimbursement documentation will be under discussion during a free McKnight’s webcast Feb. 29. The hour-long event will deal with MDS documentation “hot spots,” operations concepts to enhance reimbursement and the importance of documentation to support coding.

The keynote presenter who will share insight “that can dramatically increase reimbursement levels” will be Rita R. Roedel, national director of clinical reimbursement for Extendicare Health Services Inc.  The session will start at 1:30 p.m. (Eastern time) and is sponsored by CareTracker by Resource Systems.

“PPS has been around for a decade, but RUG-based clinical documentation can challenge even the most seasoned veterans,” noted McKnight’s Vice President and Editorial Director John O’Connor, who will moderate the event.

Register now for free by clicking on the box labeled “Clinical Reimbursement Documentation Strategies” at http://www.mcknights.com.