Dan Billings
Dan Billings

Dan Billings, director of health information technology for Pathway Health Systems demonstrated how an optimized Electronic Health Record can transform a facility’s operations and outcomes during this one-hour webcast Aug. 13. The program provided attendees with tools and resources to promote better communication, and discussed better use of staff time and better reimbursement. The presentation was immediately put into a playback archive after the session originally aired.

It can be accessed by repeat or first-time attendees by clicking here. Just complete the free registration, or log in as you previously did to listen and view. NOTE: Free continuing education credit was available only to attendees at the live, Aug. 13 broadcast.

Other educational objectives were to learn how to configure an EHR system to watch for residents’ change in condition; to better understand how to incorporate INTERACT into an EHR; to describe how an EHR can transform a community’s operations and outcomes; and to describe how the EHR can promote better communication, better use of staff time and better reimbursement.

McKnight’s Editorial Director John O’Connor moderated the session, which was sponsored by Optimus | EMR.