John O’Connor
John O’Connor

A new year is barely underway. But already, news of the weird is flying its freak flag. Here are three early contestants for the 2020 Bizarro-ville Sweepstakes:  

Talk about killer dance moves …

 Can a simulated lap dance contribute to a resident’s death? Absolutely, claims a family that is suing a New Jersey facility after the death of a loved one.

The wrongful death suit against Cumberland Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center alleges a staffer performed a simulated lap dance on an 84-year old man. The facility vehemently denies the allegation. Still, this might not be a bad time to put Foxtrot Friday on hold until further notice.

‘Alexa, catch me a thief’

Police claim an Amazon Alexa device helped them catch a man suspected of stealing from three residents at a facility in Ormond Beach, FL.

Russell Bannister was arrested after he was allegedly caught stealing cash and credit cards from an elderly person who resided at the community. The victim’s grandson saw Bannister in the room, thanks to the electronic device. When confronted, Bannister ran.

In an unrelated development, rumors are circulating that the Seattle-based company may be working on a new service option, Amazon Prime Suspect.

‘Grandpa, what were the Saxons really like?’

Some facilities have residents who have been on the planet for 100 years or so. But that hardly compares to what was recently discovered under a former nursing home in England: human remains believed to be 1,400 years old.

Workers discovered the bones while clearing the site of the former Catherine Dalley House in Leicestershire, according to British news agency SWNS. Archaeologists used carbon dating to confirm the bones are from 635-685 A.D.

Can’t wait to see what the next 11 months might unearth.

 John O’Connor is editorial director for McKnight’s