John O'Connor, editorial director, McKnight's Long-Term Care News
John O’Connor, editorial director, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News

Life Care Centers of America regularly publishes a magazine called LifeMatters. The publication never fails to inform and inspire. One of my favorite pages is called “Resident Voices.” Here, customers from various Life Care communities weigh in on a specific question.

One inquiry recently asked: “If you won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy?” What struck me about the responses was that so many involved sharing newfound good fortune with others. Here’s a sampling:

“I would give it all to my children to allow them to enjoy all the things in life I missed out on because I had to work all the time.”

— Brenda Easterly

“I would buy a place for kids who don’t have a home.”

— Nina Hodgson

“I would give 20 percent to my church and 20 percent to the Special Olympics.”

— Mary. S.

“I would build a ship. I would invite all my family and friends to sail all around the world with me.”

— Christine K.

As inspiring as those are, my favorite reply was provided by Mary Lou Phillips. Her answer: “I’d buy a lot of chocolate ice cream.”

Now there’s a gal with her priorities in order.