John O’Connor

Thanks to years of struggling with “simple” tasks, I have come to loathe those who make the difficult look easy.

That’s especially the case where writing is concerned. Now that I have just read his first book, “Hallowed Ground,” I should probably hate Larry Minnix.

Where does he get off delivering elegant insight after elegant insight for 150 pages? That’s just not fair to the rest of us struggling scribes.

But in truth, there’s no way I could work up anything but warm feelings for LeadingAge’s former boss. For on top of everything else, Larry also happens to be one of the nicest people on the planet.

My colleague James M. Berklan recently wrote a moving blog about Larry’s first literary effort. I won’t rehash Jim’s insights. But I am more than willing to repeat some of Larry’s observations.

On how not to be a complete bore in our twilight years:

“Too many of us as we age respond to how we’re doing with organ recitals.”

On why a good attitude is essential:

“Older people who are passionate, aspirational, engaged, and fun, and who express interest in others and continue to contribute are personality magnets for the young and old alike.”

On the benefits of reconciliation, even with a distant father on his deathbed:

“A void was filled in me over those few hours. I learned so much about the enigmatic, self-contained character called Da, my father. He had faith I didn’t know he had and doubts about himself that I suspect tortured him. He had more regard for Mother than I had ever dreamed.”

On when to retire:

“Get out on top. Sliding to the bottom isn’t pretty.”

On preparing for our final years:

“We owe it to our families, friends and society to take responsibility for ourselves, both practically and financially. We literally cannot afford to do otherwise.”

To be sure, these are just a few appetizers. If you’d like to treat yourself to the full banquet, please order his book

On second thought, let me close with one more mouthwatering morsel:

“So, in dealing with the universal phenomenon called aging, we can wonder why and curse the darkness — or accept the reality and ask for help, pray for meaning and strength. We can make dog food of life or live the mystery.”

Well stated, Larry. Darn you.