James M. Berklan

OK, folks, it’s time to set things straight about the government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Has it sent your workers fleeing for the exits, as countless long-term care leaders and stakeholders warned?

If you recall, just over a month ago, I asked you to write me about the number or percentage of workers who actually quit for this reason. I’ve received some interesting replies, but they have been relatively few because my offer originally went out well before the final vaccine mandate deadlines hit. 

Now, however, is a good time to take inventory.

How many of your employees actually left the job because of a COVID vaccination mandate? (Remember: We agreed that it wouldn’t be fair to count those who left earlier, or for other reasons, such as out of fear for their own safety as the invisible, deadly virus made its rounds in pre-testing and pre-vaccine days.)

Earlier this week, we heard from industry execs who noted that thousands left the workforce even before vaccines or mandates were a thing. The American Health Care Association estimates the number of departures since the pandemic started at 400,000.

There’s a line of thought that medical and religious exemptions have enabled numerous buildings to stay open. Have these self-applied exemptions been your ace in the hole?

So far, I’ve heard all kinds of responses: Exempted employees have kept our doors open. We’ve lost a handful of workers, but each loss, no matter how small, is crucial. We did as we were asked and got our act together. Our healthcare workers got their shots (or exemptions) to account for 100% still on hand.

One big danger for providers in all of this, of course, is that regulators may be proven right if there was no significant further flight from the long-term care sector because of the mandate. In other words, it didn’t chase droves from the field. This is where you can set them straight. Just shoot me a couple lines outlining your situation, and I’ll gather the responses into one big enlightening report.

While you’re at it, please also answer what role exemptions have played. Include whether you’ve had many requests for them (or not) and whether you’ve turned down any appeals. It’s all of great interest to peers and observers around the country.

What comes out will influence how regulators view provider protests or complaints in the future.

As I noted the first time I offered to be your bullhorn to the feds, you can tell me about your numbers in confidence. You have to identify yourself to at least me, however, so nobody can allege unaccountable shenanigans.

Then stay tuned to this space for what has been submitted. Your peers, patients, families, and perhaps especially, regulators all would like to know.

Let me hear from you: [email protected]

James M. Berklan is McKnight’s Long-Term Care News Executive Editor.

Opinions expressed in McKnight’s columns are not necessarily those of McKnight’s.