It looks like Mark Zuckerberg is once again positioning himself as  the tech industry’s moral compass. Who says irony is dead?

Perhaps you’ve heard of this would-be knight in shining armor? He co-founded Facebook and now runs parent company Meta Platforms. (Isn’t it amazing what lengths some people will go to for a measly $174 billion?)

This time, he’s focusing on artificial intelligence, championing the idea of making open-source AI the industry standard. For the record, that’s probably a very good idea.

Zuckerberg is betting big on open-source AI, touting it as the next big thing. And he has a point — democratizing AI could mean more brains at the table, better solutions, and less power concentrated in the hands of a few, ahem, tech giants. 

But before we line up to congratulate the fourth-richest man on the planet, maybe we should ponder what this might mean for the slightly less wealthy folks running the nation’s long-term care facilities. 

For this sector, the allure of open-source AI would appear to be strong. 

Imagine customizing AI tools to fit the unique needs of your residents, without shelling out big bucks to Silicon Valley. Picture enhancing data security by running AI models on systems you created and manage. Now think about the cost savings — AI without the hefty price tag. 

Sounds like a dream come true, right?

But hold on a second. Before operators pop open the champagne left over from celebrating Chevron’s repeal, the flip side merits consideration. 

Critics are already waving red flags about the safety of open-sourcing powerful AI. They warn of deepfakes and other societal harms. 

Zuckerberg, ever the optimist, counters that open-source AI will be safer because it’s open to scrutiny. He says large actors with more resources can police the bad guys. Sure, that sounds good in theory, but in practice? 

Have you taken a look at some of the things appearing on Facebook or X (formerly Twitter) lately? Who’s policing that stuff? The Keystone Cops?

So let’s not kid ourselves. In the wrong hands, AI can be a nightmare. Imagine some unscrupulous actor using AI to scam your residents or, worse, compromising sensitive health or operational data. 

Yes, Zuckerberg’s AI dream could indeed be a game-changer for this field, offering tools to improve care and bottom lines. But new tools in the wrong hands? Yikes!

Providers have always needed to stay informed, vigilant and proactive in protecting those they serve. Open AI will not eliminate these fundamental requirements. On the contrary, it will make them more essential than ever.

John O’Connor is editorial director for McKnight’s.

Opinions expressed in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News columns are not necessarily those of McKnight’s.