Graham-Field's Patriot bed results from US initiative
Graham-Field’s Patriot bed results from US initiative

There was a time when the arrival of the annual JC Penney’s or Sears catalog in the mail was a reason for great excitement. Therein lies the rationale behind the newest creative website to make your professional life enjoyable.

It’s called Like mailman-delivered books of long ago, it, too can transfix you as you attempt to calculate how cool it would be to finally get your hands on things you’re looking at. is the latest innovation for long-term care professionals from McKnight’s. There will be something new to consider on it every day. A better bookmark you may never have.

When you visit the website, you’ll find concise articles about caregiving items in the news; opinions and analytical pieces about the marketplace that you deal in; and thousands of opportunities to find the tool, piece of equipment or other item that would help you thrive at work. It is big and getting bigger — a colossal clearinghouse of all the long-term care “stuff” you might need.

And whether you’re a provider or vendor, this is for you: Use the site as a reference or a soapbox. Everybody has an opinion about the things they use at work. This is your opportunity to speak out or comment on the offerings. Odds are, you’ll be getting a response, as peers help each other out.

So go ahead, tap out the easy-to-remember URL in your browser window: Now every day can be the best mail day of the year.