John O'Connor
John O’Connor

I’ll never forget my first encounter with the high diving board at Sherman Park pool.

I was 9 at the time. I had already spent a good chunk of the summer enviously watching the bigger kids dive, cannon ball and sometimes belly flop off the board, which seemed to almost touch the sky.

After finally screwing up enough courage to give it a try, I felt as if my wobbly legs might not lift me up the ladder attached to the three-meter board. When I finally did reach the summit, the water below looked like it was a mile away. My first impulse was to bid a quick retreat. Fortunately, as it turned out, others behind me were already climbing up the ladder. So the descent of shame was no longer an option.

At that point, I did what any terrified kid would do. I jumped and hoped to survive. Turns out it was an absolute blast, and I got back in line almost as soon as I could climb out of the pool.

Now I’m not recommending that you stop what you’re doing and take a leap off a high place. But I am asking you do something that might make you feel a bit uncomfortable at first: enter this year’s McKnight’s Technology Awards contest.

This one-of-a-kind event recognizes providers who are harnessing technology to improve eldercare. TENA is the exclusive sponsor.

Starting today, the third annual McKnight’s Excellence In Technology Awards program is officially underway.

Simply put, there’s no better way for your organization to get the recognition it deserves for technology-related efforts.

We invite you to submit your best work for this prestigious contest. And if you entered before and didn’t win, please submit again. Maybe this time will be the charm!

An independent panel will ensure that your submissions are judged fairly and impartially, and with the authority and respect they deserve. But the only way to get your hands on an award is to impress the judges with the quality of your organization’s work.

There are five categories: “Quality Through Technology Award,” “Dignity Through Technology Award,” “High Tech/High Touch Award,” “Innovator of the Year Award” and the “Transitions Award.” We’ll write about the winners in a big spread.

You can click here for more information on entering:

Entry forms are due July 12, so don’t delay.

Yes, the prospect of entering the contest may be a bit scary. But it just might turn out to be a lot more fun than you imagined.

John O’Connor is McKnight’s Editorial Director.