Final assessment: Awards hit the spot
Final assessment: Awards hit the spot

There might be a misperception that the folks at AANAC are just a bunch of code-interpreting keypunchers tucked into tiny offices at nursing homes. The truth is that AANAC — the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination — has cast a wider net, and its recent national awards ceremony shows how.

Jane Barbour, LPN, RAC-CT, C-NE, got a big thumbs-up with the “Nurse Assessment Coordinator of the Year” award. She puts her more than 20 years of experience to good use at Tendercare Tawas City-Extendicare in Michigan.

Other big honorees did not have “assessment” or “coordinator” in their job title. They were recognized at AANAC’s spring conference in Atlanta, where more than 350 attended a fitting ceremony this month.

Winning the “Director of Nursing of the Year” award was Susan McDonald, RN, BSN, of Rhode Island Suites of Ransom, KS. McDonald has actually been both the DON and nurse assessment coordinator at her facility since 2006. Her story is all the more dramatic because she put herself through nursing school while working and undergoing cancer treatments.

Taking home “Administrator of the Year” honors was Sara Dent, of St. Paul Health Center in Denver. She led by example by demonstrating and participating in MDS 3.0 training — interviewing residents and collecting data along the way. Her facility team members can count on her daily huddles and neighborhood rounds with care team members.

AANAC also recognized Carol Job, RN, RAC-CT, of consultancy Myers and Stauffer LC of Topeka, KS, as its “Outstanding Contributor of the Year.” A prolific speaker and writer, she was a chairman of the AANAC board for six years, and a member for four more.

Kansas took home another award, as well, with Pleasant View Home of Inman, KS, winning the “Best Practices Award.” It’s given to the community that “best demonstrates application of the interdisciplinary MDS 3.0 process to increase staff involvement while improving person-centered care.”