Image of nurses' hands at computer keyboard
Credit: Getty Images

Thanksgiving, as its name so states, is a holiday to celebrate gratitude. But thankfulness, as we all know, is not always so easy to muster—especially during these tough financial times. Then again, being bah humbug never solved anything either.

You may have lost your job or that pay raise may not be coming. There’s no question it’s been a hard year for many people—if not for you, then likely for someone you know. Of course, the world also may not look like such a pretty place with global warming threatening and hunger, poverty and civil wars staring at us in the news everyday.

And then of course it appears that now we have to hear about healthcare reform through the holiday season. I mean, could things get worse?

Well, yeah, they probably could.

There are always reasons to give thanks. Here are a few basics to start:

– Do you have a job? A heated home? Can you afford to eat healthy, nourishing food? (So many people in this country and around the world don’t.)

– Do you have loving people around you?

– Do you have your health?

Here are a few more:

– Is your livelihood rewarding? (For many of you working in long-term care, I bet the answer is yes.)

– Is there a resident who brightens your day or has given you wisdom?

– Have you seen a certified nurse aide blossom into a true caregiver in the past year?

– Do you have a loyal, hardworking staff?

– Do you have a caring, supportive family member of a resident?

I think if you can say yes to any of the above statements you have reason to be grateful.

And so do we who are not working in long-term care. We are lucky to have so many giving, selfless people caring for our vulnerable, needy and precious seniors. Most people could not do the work that you do. So thank you!

It’s been said before, but I agree with the following: It’s easy to get caught up in what do don’t have. It feels much better to acknowledge what we do have. 

Have a happy, heart-filled Thanksgiving.