Jacqueline Vance, RNC, CDONA/LTC
Jacqueline Vance, RNC, CDONA/LTC

Well, it happened again this year. Craziness. Some of it unavoidable, but some of it unnecessary. I think many of you can relate.

Next year, I’m going to have a new year-end holidays theme song. Using the melody of that Bing Crosby chestnut that sold millions and millions of copies, it goes something like this (hum along with me):

I’m dreaming of a quiet Christmas,

Just once where all of the staff show.

Where residents are healthy and families happy

And I’m praying it definitely won’t snow.


I’m dreaming of a quiet Christmas,

With every nurse’s note I write.

May the shift be cheery and bright.

And my behavior residents not fight.


I’m dreaming of a quiet Christmas,

I want to go home at my shift’s end.

No incidents or injuries or cases of C-diff

And all sicknesses on the mend.


I’m dreaming of a quiet Christmas

With every call bell I respond.

May your shift be awesome and fun,

And when it’s over, to your home you’ll come!