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Eating high-quality carbohydrates such as whole grains can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, say investigators.

In a meta-analysis involving more than 200,000 participants, diabetes risk was reduced among those who ate more foods such as vegetables, whole fruit, legumes, potatoes and whole grains. In contrast, their peers who ate more low-quality carbohydrates, including white bread, pasta, sugary foods and potatoes, had a higher risk of developing the disease.

“These results highlight the importance of distinguishing between carbohydrates from high- and low-quality sources when examining diabetes risk,” said Kim Braun, Ph.D., from Erasmus University Medical Center and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The investigators will present the new findings as part of Nutrition 2020 Live Online, a virtual conference hosted by the American Society for Nutrition.