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Many nurses have been unsafely exposed to COVID-19 at work, putting them and those they care for at risk, according to preliminary results from a nationwide survey of nearly 23,000 nurses.

The responses, taken between April 15 and May 10, show the impact of unpreparedness by employers and government, according to National Nurses United, which conducted the survey.

Among the findings:

  • 87% of respondents reported having to reuse a single-use disposable respirator or mask with a COVID-19 patient.
  • 28% of respondents had to reuse a decontaminated respirator with confirmed COVID-19 patients. 
  • 72% of nurses reported having exposed skin or clothing when caring for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
  • 27% of nurses caring for confirmed COVID-19 patients reported having been exposed without the appropriate personal protective equipment and having worked within 14 days of exposure.

A link to the survey can be found at NNU’s website. Responses were taken in all 50 states plus Washington D.C. and four territories.