Phil Fogg Jr.

From the time he was a boy, Phil Fogg, CEO of Marquis Companies, wanted to be like Dad. 

Back then, Phil Fogg Sr. ran the Marquis Piedmont, a nursing home located next door to the Foggs’ residence in Portland, OR. This line of work appealed to the 13-year-old Fogg, who enjoyed working in the facility over summers and being around the residents.  

“To say I always wanted to be in long-term care is very, very true,” says Fogg, 55, who is in the fourth generation of his family in the business.

While he may have followed in his father’s footsteps, Fogg, a known maverick, did it in his own, unique way. That is to say, after cutting his teeth as an administrator in his father’s growing company, Prestige Care, he set off on his own, at age 26. Initially, he managed his own skilled nursing facility, which is now Marquis Vermont Hills. 

Today, the company, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary, encompasses 26 buildings, including 19 skilled nursing facilities and seven assisted living centers, in the Pacific Northwest.

One of his signature traits is his ability to see the future. 

“Phil’s always had an inkling to be ahead of others and/or to see where the industry is going to be three, four years out,” says his brother and Marquis CFO, Steve Fogg, who is one of Phil’s biggest fans. “You rarely find people with that skill set.” 

American Health Care Association CEO Mark Parkinson agrees: “Phil is at the cutting- edge of the profession. If there is a smart new initiative that is available, he’s probably already analyzed it, implemented it, improved on it and shared it with other providers.”

Among the areas Fogg, a former president of the Oregon Health Care Association and current vice chair of AHCA, has helped to innovate are data (data analytics plays a key role at Marquis) and long-term care pharmacy (he helped found the Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition). He admits he does not like looking back and has set new goals for himself, which include building the next generation of leaders at Marquis. Among those in the next generation are his three sons, Chris, 34, Drew, 33, and Zach, 28, who now work in his shop in the accounting, sales and operations departments.

Fogg is the first to reveal that having the name Fogg just gets you in the door; expectations for success are that much higher. He learned this value from his father,  who also taught him about the importance of treating people with respect. 

Racing cars is another passion Fogg shares with his dad. They started doing it together several decades ago, and now Phil and brother Steve race together while their dad, 75, who has graduated to racing planes, cheers from the sidelines. A third brother, Rick, is a lawyer in Santa Barbara, CA. 

Phil balances his love of extreme sports with reading books on philosophy, historical fiction and business, and spending time with his wife, Angie, and four grandchildren. He says he loves racing because you have to be 100% focused. And, like running his own company, it is based on gradual, slow improvement.

“You’ve got to learn and make mistakes and slowly get faster and faster,” he explains.

Resume: 1986, Graduates from Concordia University with BS in healthcare administration; 1986, Takes job as administrator for Prestige Care; 1989, Earns MBA from the University of Oregon; 1989, Becomes CEO of Marquis; 1991, Named president of  Oregon Health Care Association; 2016, Chairs the Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition; 2019, Becomes vice chairman of the American Health Care Association.