Leah Klusch, Executive Director for The Alliance Training Center

Q: What’s vital for dealing with the Patient-Driven Payment Model?

A:Are you on time with your assessment process? Being late in this process is going to be extremely costly and could be very caustic as far as the overall operation of your SNF is concerned.

You want to have a very aggressive diagnostic documentation process. And remember that the notes have to reflect the main admission reason.

Q: What mindset is helpful?

A:Look for the efficiency, competency and the accuracy of your data formulation process. You have to get rid of all duplication of documentation. It’s confusing and will cause a problem later.

Look for changes in work patterns. 

Q: What else about work flow?

A:You want to create an active and interdisciplinary case management process, not just one person reviewing a stack of papers from the hospital and deciding whether it’s OK to admit someone. You need to have diagnostic inquiries to figure out the specifics of treatment.

Q: How do we transition in new team members?

A:Sit down with the interdisciplinary team members and do rate calculations with them. It’s very important for them to understand.