» Researchers at Columbia University developed a robotic cane equipped with wheels that tracks the stride of the user and provides stable support during walking. Published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, the device is engineered to copy the light touch of a guiding companion and allows the user to take narrow strides. 

» Purdue University researchers have developed a new fabric innovation that allows wearers to turn on lights and music, and possibly even protect themselves from the latest viruses with clothing. Featured in Advanced Functional Materials, the waterproof, breathable and antibacterial self-powered clothing is based on omniphobic triboelectric nanogenerators (RF-TENGs), which use simple embroidery and fluorinated molecules to embed small electronic components into a piece of clothing.

» Australian researchers have discovered a new way to confirm the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) in just 40 minutes, using a mobile phone and some ultra-tiny semiconductor particles known as quantum dots.