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QS/1, a pharmacy operating system, has announced a partnership with Therigy, a pharmacy software, consulting and outcomes company.

The goal is to improve specialty pharmacy operations between dispensing system and therapy management software, QS/1 said. Tapping into Therigy, STM will help pharmacies simplify their process and better serve patients.

“Therigy is widely known for its patient-centric specialty therapy management technology,” said Ed Vess, R.Ph, QS/1’s director of pharmacy professional affairs. “This partnership between our two organizations will give QS/1’s pharmacy customers access to cutting-edge services, allowing them to automate, streamline and focus on patient management.”

For example, pharmacists using the TherigySTM technologies can track patient progress with specialty medications. Combined with QS/1’s NRx® pharmacy management system, the interface with TherigySTM helps pharmacies minimize duplicate data entry and improve workflow by tracking dispensed medications and running reports, executives said.